It Gets Better [With Time]

Blouse & Skirt by Sweet Water Vintage, Photography by Dondre Green


When it seems like you can't see the other side, 

When your head is left behind for the ride,

When the message is missing from your mind...

Know that it gets better with time.


When you can't keep your heart from breaking,

When your nerves are just too shaky,

When the balance of your emotions don't align... 

Know that it gets better with time...


When your enemy is who you see in the mirror, 

When your dreams reveal your darkest terror,

When you're dodging feelings in a emotional landmine... 

Know that it gets better with time...


When living your truth leaves others in the dark,

When you can't tell instinct and anxiety apart,

When the brightness from your own light leaves you blind...   

Know and believe...that it gets better with time.