When I think of who I am,
I think of others like me.
The Tender-Hearted Heroes
What bravery it takes to
Live in a World like this
The way we do…
With hypersensitivity and keen intuitiveness
Our abilities are superhuman.
The time that it takes
For us to realize
And actualize our powers…
That is our kryptonite.
How do we get over ourselves without stumbling?
Our emotions always rumbling
Who else feels all of this all the time?
It’s gotta be a gift
Or a curse in the eyes of a novice…
What we carry is not only ours
But all of what those are holding around us.
Our way of protection can either save,
Or suffocate ourselves…and others.
Self-sacrificing for the sake of someone else’s well-being.
Diving in and swimming wavy waters
To save another soul
Often drowning ourselves along the way
Never to burden those that loves us.
Many of us reach the other side
and feel lonelier than before.
Abusing our vices
While sharing our talents.
Using them as a guise
To hide whats missing inside.
Having everything we want [ideally] and more
Filling in cavities that ache at the taste
of something that was just too sweet.
Forgetting that we are
Pure unrefined sugar
And when mixed well,
In proper proportions,
We actually go well with everything.
Some of us never make it to the other side.
Finding that its better to stop where we’re at,
Rather than bring everyone and everything
Crumbling down with us.
Some of us would rather leave our loved ones
With the light they gave us
Than have them watch us slowly burn in out.
Master manipulators
In how we distribute our Love.
Needing to control the narrative,
so that others know whats deep in our hearts
Without them knowing we can no longer feel it.
…The craving forever festers…
We Tender-Hearted Heroes
Are amongst a league of healers
That will ultimately save this planet.
Imagine what this World would be without water
Without rain to cleanse
Without waves to guide us
We literally need water to LIVE.
We need US to live.
Take care of us as we take care of you.
Take care of us as we neglect to care for ourselves…