Growing & Glowing

Turtleneck & Skirt: Forever 21, Boots: J. Crew, Photography by: Jeremy St. Romain (Ig: @popejpaul )

“…Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.”

To start is to be done.

I am who I’ve become.

Another cycle around the sun.

Again, I have begun…

Seed to root,

Flesh of fruit,

My rind shields lies

and seeming untruths.

Body sacred,

Thoughts naked,

Controlled exposure,

Full disclosure.

Energy matched,

Emotions latched,

Relationships discerned,

Attention earned.

Beam light from within…

To end is to begin,

To lose is to win,

To be is to have already been.

Old patterns corrected,

Courage tested,

Opportunities manifested,

Future invested,

Spirit rested,

Home nested.

Glowing and growing.

Doing and pursuing.

Living the life that’s best for ME.

Becoming who I was meant to be.

To start is to be done.

I am who I’ve become

Another cycle around the sun

Again, I have begun…

- C. M. Hamilton