Scarf & Shoes: Thrifted by way of Goodwill, Earrings & Bracelet: Aldo, Dress: Buffalo Exchange , Photographed by: Dawn Jefferson (IG: dawniemarie)
in·de·pend·ent [ˌindəˈpendənt] adj. free from outside control; not depending on another's authority.
I am an independent woman. This does not mean that I am anti-male or don't need companionship [men aren't so bad]. It's not because I have natural hair, melanin in my skin, and am quick to voice my personal beliefs [no neck roll needed]. It has no relation to the fact that I prefer to carry my own luggage and open my own doors [I happen to believe chivalry is alive and well].
I am an independent woman because I take ownership of my own thoughts and feelings and embrace the power of my femininity. I do not decide what is "in" based on what I'm told or what I see. I don't keep my mouth shut because society expects me to. I make my own judgments. I create my own opportunities. If I were not able to exercise my rights as a black woman in America, then I wouldn't be Christine Marie Hamilton, daughter of Gwen and Leo, spunk by way of Mattie and Myrtle [grandmothers], sass queen supreme, free-spirited, full-hearted, fun-loving lady. This woman is SEEN and HEARD. She keeps the mystery, but leaves little room for interpretation. She's one of a kind, a queen in her own right. She is ME. I know who I am. I love who I am. I own my independence.