
A Very Vivid Dream

I had a dream a couple of nights ago that involved a beautiful gigantic speckled black & white butterfly gracefully soaring over me. Naturally, I was mesmerized. As I moved to take a closer look, the butterfly then suddenly transformed into a gigantic owl. This gigantic owl then proceeded to charge toward & attacked me...After waking up like  I thought about what it could possibly mean. 

From the little knowledge that I have on butterflies, I know that in dreams they can symbolize transformation. Also, that the larger the butterfly, "the greater impression I will make in a social situation." 

As for the owl...the research I've found so far states that the owl [in the context of my dream] can symbolize someone in my life that has taken keen observation of me or is keeping secrets from me. "In Owl dreams, an Owl suddenly bolting into flight symbolizes that Owls, and people, can be reckless in their pursuit of something." 

This dream could mean a number of things. As I'm still translating, I'm starting to be more mindful of the company that I keep. Your personal environment is a reflection of what you're putting out or allowing into your life. There may be people around that are not serving you in the healthiest way. Sometimes we need to carefully curate our spaces so that we can give ourselves the breathing room we need to grow and be our best selves. Moving forward, the only kind of relationships that I'm allowing are restorative relationships. I want to feel strengthened and supported by the company that I keep, as I intend to offer the same to them.


If there's anyone that is more experienced in interpreting dreams, please share your thoughts. I'd love to hear other perspectives on this.

I Am Present

Dress: Thrited, Shoes: Top Shop, Coin Ring: Wired and Stoned

Photography by: Sharita A. Sims 


I am here.

I am heard.

I am her.


I am aware.

I am everywhere.

I am here and there


Being present is a present.

A gift to myself.

Checking in.

Ode to self care.


Sitting with my thoughts.

Letting myself feel.

Giving myself permission to heal.


Freeing my mind.

Chakras aligned.

Maneuvering through. 

Staying true.


Relieving the pressure.

No scale to measure.


I am me.

I am she.

I am valid.

I am present.








Pattern Maker

Blouse: DVF Vintage by way of Buffalo Exchange, Pants: Forever XXI, Necklace: Vintage, Shoes: Elisabetta Franchi for Celyn b.

Photography by: Danielle "Lil Bit" Miles

I'm admittedly a creature of habit. I know what I like, I typically stick to what I know, & my behavior is seemingly predictable. I have somewhat quirky patterns, like voluntarily sleeping on my couch [because it's convenient and comfortable] and then relocating to my bed at about 5am every morning. I repeatedly watch every season of Sex and the City on DVD, because its my favorite show and I'm sick of reality tv [and I also don't have wifi *tear*]. I eat French fries after 11p almost every night, because duh...FRENCH FRIES! Every Wed. I go to Jamba Juice for Loyalty Day and buy a $3 Energy Bowl [because I'm devoted and loyal to places that offer solid discounts]...

Then there are some not-so healthy, more life-altering immediately stressing myself out about something before even attempting to see a silver lining. I give people waaaay too many chances, probably because I'm more patient with other people than I am with myself [the sensitive Cancer sign in me]. I overthink/over-plan EVERYTHING before going into it [ meanwhile life is looking at me like "Girl please"]. I'm extra hard on myself and often overlook the progress I've made because I'm too focused on the end result. 

I'm not perfect [cliche, but true], but it's important that I recognize my patterns in life: good and not-so good. By knowingmy patterns, I'm able to address and access them. I'm perfectly ok with watching Sex and the City everyday on repeat, but maybe sometimes I'll read a good book or do some writing instead. French fries will ALWAYS be my guilty pleasure, but cutting back a bit may do my body some good. I'll always be caring and considerate [its in my make] but I should probably be more assertive and particular about who I allow into my personal space. I'm a Type A personality, so order is necessary for me to function, but maybe I should put more trust in my instinct. It always steers me in the right direction [whenever I do follow it]. And maybe, just maybe I should cut myself a little...a lot more slack. I'm doing really well for myself and I am proud of my accomplishments in life thus far. 

The key to a healthy life is balance; In all aspects. Recognizing your patterns is the first step to changing them. I'm a creature of habit, but spontaneity and "going with the flow" can be quite invigorating. My reoccurring personal task will be to make a pattern out of breaking old patterns and trust in the natural course my life is taking. I will keep my eyes open and fresh. I'll take on new ventures and ideas. I'm blessed with only ONE life to live. It's important that I make it the best. 
