Glasses: Warby Parker, Shirt: J. Crew, Pants: American Apparel, Jacket & Suspenders: Thrifted, Scarf & Socks: Billy Reid, Boots: Steve Madden by way of DSW, Ring: Time Warp Boutique, Handbag:
Photographed by: Larry Everage (Ig: @larryeverage, website:
Gen·tle·wom·an: noun, a woman of high social standing
Dandy as a gent in his finest threads
Dappered down to my toes
Blazers & suspenders
Fine, divine, and debonair
A dwindlin' of my feminine
A a touch of testosterone
I've always had a strong appreciation for menswear. The lines and structure, coupled with the practicality and multi-functionality. It’s powerful. As a teenager, I remember my dad teaching me how to tie a necktie. Then, I'd sneak into his closet and "borrow" one to wear to school. I'd pair it with a blazer from my very extensive collection, throw on some jeans and sneakers and then feel so fly walking down the hallway. Back in my punk/rock fashion stage (post high school/college), I'd wear plaid newsboy hats and either black suspenders or a pinstripe vest over my graphic tees. I was CLEARLY making a statement. I've been known to be adventurous and push boundaries with my personal style. I have an androgynous taste in fashion. It's a reflection of my semi-guys' girl, borderline tomboy personality. Yet, I remain all woman.